Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Trash Day

Tuesday night is trash pickup. So, when I got home tonight, I told Mama that I had to take out the trash and recycle. I got all the bags together and put by the light post in front. I did notice that someone from the apartments next door put a couch out in front of our house. Lovely. That'll be certain to generate a violation notice, and a phone call to the garbage people. Why the people who live in the apartments think that trash belongs in front of our house is beyond me.

Anyway, while I was putting a new trash bag in the can, Mama came out and...

"Is it trash night?"

"Well, yes, that's why I told you I was taking out the trash."

"Do you take out plastic bags."

"Just the bag, or full of trash?"

"Full of stuff I put in."

"Is it trash?"


"Why would I take out stuff that isn't trash?"

"It might be trash, but I forget what I put in it."

I have to check her 'trash' since once I found that about half the stuff she threw in the bag was her good knitting and sewing stuff.

Trash generates some funny stories around this place. A few years ago she informed me that she changed the garbage bag in the can because the other one "got dirty."

Dirty. A trash bag. Imagine that.

So, she took the dirty one out, put in a clean one and THREW AWAY THE DIRTY ONE.

A dirty trash bag, jeezus.

1 comment:

Dan L-K said...

Love the new blog, Tony. It's hilarious and I hope it ends up being a great outlet for you.
